【同义词辨析】 2018-10-19 美味palatable-toothsome

palatable: often applies to something that is unexpectedly found to be agreeable: surprised to find Indian food quite ~.

appetizing: suggests a whetting of the appetite and applies to aroma and appearance as well as taste: select from a cart filled with ~desserts.  (aroma气味appearance外观taste味道)   (whet有两个意思1) 石头上磨刀,如stones whet a sword, difficulties strengthen willpower石头刀剑,困难增强意志 2)刺激引起his smile whets her curiosity他的笑容激起她的好奇心)

savory: applies to both taste and aroma and suggests piquancy and often spiciness: egg rolls filled with various ~ fillings.  
piquant味道浓郁, spicy味道辛辣浓烈程度更强,pungent辛辣到让人不舒服,三个词都可以翻译成辛辣) 蛋卷  夹心

tasty: implies a pronounced and appetizing taste: stale shrimp that were far from ~.   (pronounced显著的very noticeable,如he walked with a pronounced limp他走路明显有点瘸)

toothsome: stresses the notion of agreeableness and sometimes implies tenderness or lusciousness: a dazzling array of ~ hor d'oeuvres.   (tender柔嫩容易嚼easy to chew, 如this meat is very tender这肉很, luscious多汁juicy, 如luscious fruit甘甜多汁的水果)   hor d'oeuvres招待会或晚餐前吃的小点心,西方国家举行正式招待会时,或者在正式晚餐前,主人往往会用一些小点心款待大家,这种小点心有一个特殊名称,就是horsd'oeuvre

palatable美味: 常表示未曾想到味道会好,appetizing引人食欲: 刺激人的胃口,可以是气味外观味道即色香味,savory辛辣可口: 辛辣又可口的味道气味,tasty也是引人食欲: 形容浓郁的引人食欲的味道(pronounced显著,这里说成浓郁),toothsome可口: 强调让人愉悦,还可表示鲜嫩多汁(agreeable符合口味让人愉悦)

记忆方法: 1)首字母PASTT想成PAST Time过去时光<==从小吃的东西最美味

        2)美味的意思是味道愉悦mean agreeable or pleasant to the taste.